Friday, December 18, 2009

How Did Einstein Discover E=MC2?

This has been a long issue. Perhaps many of us wonder how he discovered or how he got ideas leading to the discovery of the equation. Even today the principle still gives contribution to the advancement of technology. Many of us assume that he was part of the making of atomic bomb but he was not directly participated in the so called “Manhattan Project”. The said project was the first development of atomic bomb that had been used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Theory of relativity or to simplify we just call it relativity is divided into two theories. For Einstein’s famous formula we call that as special relativity and the other one is general relativity. This topic will be focused on special relativity which has something to do with the relation of space and time. The theory was coined by Max Planck in 1908 to give emphasis on how special relativity uses its principle and then later for the general relativity as well.

Albert Einstein had added the well known energy equation with respect to mass and time which supports the Maxwell’s differential equations about electromagnetic fields spread in the form of polarized waves and the speed of light.

Einstein wrote exactly as below:

The precise formulation of the time-space laws was the work of Maxwell. Imagine his feelings when the differential equations he had formulated proved to him that electromagnetic fields spread in the form of polarised waves, and at the speed of light! To few men in the world has such an experience been vouchsafed . . it took physicists some decades to grasp the full significance of Maxwell's discovery, so bold was the leap that his genius forced upon the conceptions of his fellow-workers

—(Science, May 24, 1940), courtesy of Wikipedia

Perhaps many of us wonder on how we can apply this theory in our everyday lives. For example, if you are going to throw a ball there is a relation between speed and the mass of the object thrown and the impact when it reached the wall for example gives off energy or force. If you will be using a special gauge and device to precisely calculate and throw the object with the same speed but different weight the impact on the wall will be different. This will be easily justified if you will place your experiment into a vacuum room. E is the energy or force, M refers to the mass and C is the speed of light in a vacuum and this is constant. By pondering with the practical application you could have an idea on how the atomic or nuclear bomb works but it is not yet enough for us to think about it. By the energy equation atomic bombs had been designed by students but the actual construction is complex industrial process. Since energy refers to mass, by splitting heavy nuclei or known as fission can be tremendously powerful. The idea of atomic bomb had been launched.

The energy released in the fission of one uranium nucleus is about 50 million times greater than that released when a carbon atom combines with oxygen atoms in the burning of coal.

—Courtesy of

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Understanding Theory of Evolution and Through God’s Creation

Mostly of us knew that the person behind the Theory of Evolution is Charles Darwin (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882). Let us take a closer look about him to understand his great contribution in science. To shorten the story about his life the discussion will be straightforward on the basic information. This short introduction will have us an understanding of how he became known as Charles Darwin today.

Charles Robert Darwin was born with Christian parents that practiced Unitarianism but eventually became agnostic. The English naturalist had doubt about the permanence of species. Through extensive research his theory of evolution had been made. He believed that all living organisms were originated from common ancestors. Darwin had introduced the natural selection process that for every organism some could survive or adapt its environment and some will just die. His theory became accepted by the scientific community and it is believed that the life diversified in different forms. Majority of scientists agree in his speculation and those who do not believe they may be considered fool but really there are scientists who strongly disagree on this.
Through years in time the world we live in had many changes. One of the firm evidences was the separation of South America from Africa and there are plants and animals alike for both continents until today. Way back on the first years of earth from a gaseous form it was hot and the oceans and seas we knew today were tremendously hot before it cooled down. Many scientists accept principle that first single-celled organisms were inhabited in hot liquid den like that eventually became ocean and they were susceptible to heat. Generations to generations they had adapted changes through natural selection process. Some organisms had been unified and became fishes some had crawled the land and became worms, birds, plants, and other life-forms. There were scientific research conducted about the relation of human being and the fish. By looking at the human fetus many believe that it is similar to the development of fish. This issue is about the embryonic recapitulation and vestigial organs, aside from this the commonly known about this theory is the evolution of humans from apes.

Opposing to theory of evolution is the birth of the new idea reformulated by American creationists. They believe that some features of living things are explained by an intelligent cause created by a designer. With this opposing theory the supernatural cause can be considered as part of the scientific explanation or in other words an acceptance of extraordinary phenomena.

Writer’s Point of View

I am not scientist but through my own extensive research and weighing about the evidence of both parties (those who believe and do not believe) I remain neutral. Instead of having a negative approach to the theories I conducted my own study to consolidate both ideas and it does not affect my understanding about the Book of Genesis.
I consider myself as one of the creationists but I believe in the evolution. It sounded completely contradicting to blend the two opposing theories but as a believer in God’s existence I cannot see conflicts about the theory of evolution and the creation of the designer through His image and likeness. We have gone so far. Since we are created by God it is natural to have a high level of knowledge that is why we are exceptional from the rest of his creations. We are intelligent because we have an intelligent designer. Sometimes there are questions that need not to be answered scientifically. It will never have a word to be called “faith” if we already knew the answer.

For others who had an opportunity to read this article the quest between science and faith depends on your own judgment. It is up to you on what you believe and it should be respected.

Relevance: Topic Stream

Sunday, September 13, 2009

How to Become a Better You?

Everyone is aiming to get better and better as the time passes by. Getting better comes with different results depending on what perspective you want improvement for yourself. It really helps us to get better if we will consider some lessons we could get from the experiences of others and as well as by reading some informative books.
Let me classify the 5 perspectives that I would like to explain further in order to help us to become better individuals. Although there are lots of these I have chosen these five topics on how to improve ourselves.
Emotions: Human beings have five senses. We have senses or the abilities to feel on different ways.
Sense of Touch: If you want to optimize your sense of touch you need to consider two things that could be able to help you to get better. You need to be resilient that can be able to adapt extreme pain. As what I have said there are two things that you need to regard as, one is your ability to feel extreme pain and the other one is your ability to sense the exact opposite of pain.
Have you felt pain while you accidentally touched the boiling water? This is what we call one of the extreme pains which suddenly your hand or arm had physically contacted with the boiling water. You need to set your mind not to allow it to sense by your brain. For the exact opposite if it requires your ability to feel something especially if you are relying through your sense of touch only then your brain must provide further detail of the object that you are holding or touching.
In martial arts like Karate, have you seen a movie that the martial artist has broken the hollow blocks by his bare hands? This is the ability to forget the pain and prepare your mental being in the state of objective to break the things. Can you open a soda bottle without using the bottle opener but only by your finger? This could possibly be done if you have prepared your mind that you can do it.
Sense of Sight: Your ability to see can easily describe things without physical contact. Learn to appreciate beauties and make the full use of the one of the best senses that human beings have. Through this sense you can have better judgment on things that you could see. Do not be impulsive on what your eyes can see sometimes you need to qualify such objects before making a better judgment. For an example like the forensic experts or the crime scene investigators they gathered evidences based on different categories. They do not just rely on what they had seen and most of the times it requires the sense of smell, sense of touch to support the gathered images or photos. Substantial evidence will be enough to convict the suspect based on these consolidated factual information that will be used as evidence in court.
Sense of Hearing: What you see is what you get but sometimes this is not true. In connection with what you hear will not be true as well. Once you heard something you need to think and analyze it. For those blind men, since they have lost their ability to see they rely on their ability to hear. They can make full use of this sense of hearing and can be considered as the eye of the blind men. Imagine yourself if you cannot see when you wake up in the morning, it would be like the end of the world. Hearing is not just a practical ability of hearing sounds but as well as by the ability to listen and learn. If you are in a seminar or in class but you are not paying attention to the speaker you cannot get what really the speaker would like to share to you.
Sense of Taste & Smell: The sense of taste is mostly being optimized if you are allowing matter to enter into your body. Sense of taste can be associated with the sense of smell since they have virtual responsibility to generate and feed your brain with information about the object that you allowed to enter into your body.
Do not be judgmental. Sometimes what you really see is not what you could get. Make a careful study and do not be impulsive in giving any reactions at first. Try to analyze things before somebody will know your reaction. You can avoid of being quoted by others that could be used against you if you are wise enough to comprehend things.
If you are planning to establish a business, do not be impulsive on buying things such as materials to be used for your business and think of the benefit at an instant without risk assessing the prospective business.

If you hate someone it would be better if you will not throw your emotion against that person. Try to overcome hate and anger by talking to yourself on why you hate such person. Learn to forgive and forget. Do not keep or store hatred in order to avoid bursting of anger to a person. It sounds so difficult to manage your anger but it really helps you if you can avoid the person you hate first and cool yourself before making a conversation.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Article of Knowledge

Welcome to the article of knowledge. I had been inspired to generate this site about all topics that could help others to become better individuals. We all knew that there were some lessons at schools that had taught us many things. We are aware that not all subjects during our school days had taught us everything what we need to know as we grow older.Even if we are academic scholars we still have some rooms of weaknesses. These weaknesses need to be overcome to make us stronger while we are getting older.We need to fill the said rooms of weaknesses with knowledge. A knowledge that can be able to share through this "article of knowledge" based on the experiences and gained wisdom by others.

Mostly the topics that will be discussed here cannot be found in the library or elsewhere. During my college days, I have learned about Mathematics which I considered my favorite subject but nobody has told me about the simplified Math. How to deal with derivatives and integral Calculus? How to use Calculus in our everyday lives? In learning other subject like World History, what are untold stories about Hitler? How was the life of Albert Einstein? What are the secrets of Benito Mussolini before he died? These are some examples of interesting issues that we may have missed during our years in study at schools.

But really what matters most to us is the knowledge that we can apply in our everyday life. Learning is a continuous process in acquiring knowledge in order to get us better and stronger even until the last days of our lives. This process does not end at school and we cannot just rely on the teachers' lessons and ideas.

Brace yourself by getting into the journey of learning through this site.