Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Understanding Theory of Evolution and Through God’s Creation

Mostly of us knew that the person behind the Theory of Evolution is Charles Darwin (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882). Let us take a closer look about him to understand his great contribution in science. To shorten the story about his life the discussion will be straightforward on the basic information. This short introduction will have us an understanding of how he became known as Charles Darwin today.

Charles Robert Darwin was born with Christian parents that practiced Unitarianism but eventually became agnostic. The English naturalist had doubt about the permanence of species. Through extensive research his theory of evolution had been made. He believed that all living organisms were originated from common ancestors. Darwin had introduced the natural selection process that for every organism some could survive or adapt its environment and some will just die. His theory became accepted by the scientific community and it is believed that the life diversified in different forms. Majority of scientists agree in his speculation and those who do not believe they may be considered fool but really there are scientists who strongly disagree on this.
Through years in time the world we live in had many changes. One of the firm evidences was the separation of South America from Africa and there are plants and animals alike for both continents until today. Way back on the first years of earth from a gaseous form it was hot and the oceans and seas we knew today were tremendously hot before it cooled down. Many scientists accept principle that first single-celled organisms were inhabited in hot liquid den like that eventually became ocean and they were susceptible to heat. Generations to generations they had adapted changes through natural selection process. Some organisms had been unified and became fishes some had crawled the land and became worms, birds, plants, and other life-forms. There were scientific research conducted about the relation of human being and the fish. By looking at the human fetus many believe that it is similar to the development of fish. This issue is about the embryonic recapitulation and vestigial organs, aside from this the commonly known about this theory is the evolution of humans from apes.

Opposing to theory of evolution is the birth of the new idea reformulated by American creationists. They believe that some features of living things are explained by an intelligent cause created by a designer. With this opposing theory the supernatural cause can be considered as part of the scientific explanation or in other words an acceptance of extraordinary phenomena.

Writer’s Point of View

I am not scientist but through my own extensive research and weighing about the evidence of both parties (those who believe and do not believe) I remain neutral. Instead of having a negative approach to the theories I conducted my own study to consolidate both ideas and it does not affect my understanding about the Book of Genesis.
I consider myself as one of the creationists but I believe in the evolution. It sounded completely contradicting to blend the two opposing theories but as a believer in God’s existence I cannot see conflicts about the theory of evolution and the creation of the designer through His image and likeness. We have gone so far. Since we are created by God it is natural to have a high level of knowledge that is why we are exceptional from the rest of his creations. We are intelligent because we have an intelligent designer. Sometimes there are questions that need not to be answered scientifically. It will never have a word to be called “faith” if we already knew the answer.

For others who had an opportunity to read this article the quest between science and faith depends on your own judgment. It is up to you on what you believe and it should be respected.

Relevance: Topic Stream

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